
Text-To-Pray 650-679-7729

April 28, 2024

Other Updates


Sermon: From the Inside Out

Scripture: Genesis 4:1-16

Featured Verse: Genesis 4:7
If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.”

Sermon Summary:
As we dive into the first story told from life outside the garden, we see how deep and fast humanity can fall into sin and God’s loving responses amidst our sin. We see how both sin and God’s healing start and grow from the inside out.

Cormac Parker Jr & Band

Paul Taylor

Rolana Smith

Kingdom Spotlight: Vocation: Legal profession.

Next Week
We will continue our sermon series, “Genesis: In the Beginning,” with a message from Scott Grant about the spread of sin (Genesis 4:17-26).

Pray for Three
Are there people in your life you want to help know and experience Jesus? We encourage you to choose three people, write down their names, and pray often for them. Our Alpha prayer team would like to join you in praying for your three people. Go to pbc.org/alpha f you would like to share your names (first name only, please).

Hotel de Zink Shelter
In May, PBC will be hosting Hotel de Zink, an emergency shelter for adult men and women that rotates locations among local churches. Help provide our 15 unhoused guests with healthy breakfasts and dinners (homemade or purchased. Invite your friends, family, or small group members to serve together. Sign up at pbc.org/hotel-de-zink.

Camp PBC
August 2-7 | Lake Siskiyou
Join us for one or more days at Lake Siskiyou, near Mt. Shasta. The cost for camping is expected to be $5 per person per day. Children under 11 are free. 
We have a limited number of lakeside, air-conditioned cabins available for you to rent for all five nights on a first come basis. All households who register before May 1 will receive a discount on Camp PBC merchandise items available for purchase. Register at pbc.org/camppbc. See you at the lake!

Prayer Requests
How can we pray for you? Text your prayer request to 650-679-7729 during this morning’s service and the pastors and elders will pray for you during this coming week. You can also send your prayer request to pbc.org/pray (or click “Prayer” at the top of the page). We’d also like to hear your praise reports for prayers you previously submitted.

New to PBC?
Welcome! We’re glad you’ve joined us today. You’ll find information to help you explore getting connected with us at pbc.org/new, or look for the Welcome area on the patio if you joined us in person this morning. Anyone wearing a yellow lanyard would love to talk with you.

Stay Connected
Stay current on the latest PBC announcements, news, and events through our weekly newsletter and social media.

Thank you for your continued financial generosity. As always, we trust the LORD to meet our needs. Online giving, including ACH Transfer and Text to Give, is available. Go to pbc.org/give or text an amount to give to 84321 to set up your profile.

Financial Reporting through March 31, 2024
(Fiscal Year 2024: 10/01/23 – 9/30/24)
General Fund Total Income:        $2,209,779   (103.6% of expected YTD)
General Fund Expenses:               $1,744,051   (91.2% of expected YTD)